Let's define component as a programming abstraction that exposes a number of interfaces and is instantiated and managed by a container. A component has implementation that sits behind the interface and provides the functionality, which could be a custom Java class, a proxy, a BPEL engine, a mock object, or even a mechanical turk solving captchas.
In the case of Java class components, they are usually composed of smaller Java classes like the ones in java.lang.* and java.util.* packages. All but the most simple Java objects are actually object graphs which are instantiated, wired togerher and orchestrated by the Java language and the JVM. The Java language specifies the composition structure and behavior, while JVM provides the means to invoke operations and share data. In contrast, the components are instantiated by a container and the container is responsible to wire them together (usually based on a blueprint in the form of a configuration or class annotations). The container can also provide a number of declarative services to its components: transaction management, access control, performance statistics and transparent distribution. Some popular containers are OSGi, Spring, EJB, ActiveX, MTS/COM+.
Even if a container can expose a local component over remote interface without requiring any code changes, practice has shown that taking a single-server application and distributing it in such fashion usually results in a disaster. This doesn't mean that the non-invasive distribution support is useless though. Given responsible usage, it can enable you to build distributed applications without having to deal with the transport API, using clean and reusable code (POJO). There are a number of new frameworks that are built around the concept and try to provide the right level of transparency and control (Mule ESB, Spring Remoting, Spring Integration are some popular choices).
Once you get too many components in the same contaner, autowiring starts doing most unexpected things, debugging becomes difficult and you start loosing track of your system. The solution is to add scoping. Spring supports limited scoping facilities in the form of parent-child application contexts. Although it solves the problem with configuration visibility, it does not provide facilities for controlling the public interface of the scope (explicitly exported objects). OSGi tackles this problem from a different direction using controlled classloaders, Spring OSGi is trying to be the best of both worlds, giving you scoped configuration and runtime autodiscoverable scoped components.
I just finished reading Distributed Event Based Systems and they have an excellent chapter on utilizing scopes as means to structure a distributed event-driven application (chapter 6). They suggest a scoped architecture, where each component can belong to multiple scopes, scopes are linked in an arbitrary graph and notifications are governed by the different scope and component properties. The scopes described can declaratively provide a number of services (think AOP for messages). Some of these services are:
- Containment - logical grouping of components and other scopes, allowing easy addressing for event dissemination and policy enforcement.
- Scope Interface - defining which messages can cross the scope boundary and enforcing this policy
- Transmission policy - determine which scope components will receive a certain message and/or which components have a right to publish/receive messages that cross the scope boundary.
- Mappings - when a message crosses the scope boundary, enrich or transform it based on the source and destination scopes.
Scopes could be used to delineate groups with different QoS requirements, or to partition the application in geographical or security domains (or even both at the same time) and apply the appropriate policies. Integrating an external systems is also easier, because they are treated as yet another scope (as opposed to "enemy in the bee's nest") and you can provide rich access to the messages that the third party is entitled to without having to bolt on yet another authentication and authorization mechanism.
The book focuses in great detail and implementation strategies, analyzing different approaches ranging from simplistic (flooding) to very complex (integrated routing). Right now, the described architecture can not be implemented directly in any eventing system that I know of, though we can see some of the ideas in Jini (peer to peer with cooperative filtering), JMS (in implementation supporting topic hierarchies), OSGi (intra-JVM) or SCA (a lot of talk about scopes and composites, but I don't see them doing anything useful with them). The authors also propose a configuration language for managing scoped systems with the specified features. I can see AMQP as a flexible low-level specification that would allow to build something like this by implementing custom exchanges. We can use the scope configuration language as an intermediate representation, from which we can generate the custom exchange code.
Ultimately, I believe that in 10 years from now this scoping and routing facilities will become standard part of the messaging middleware (and perhaps hardware?) I'm looking in the general direction of AMQP, possibly SCA (despite their WS-* fetish) and new high level languages directly expressing architectural concerns like ACME and Einstein.
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