Friday, October 22, 2010

Groovy Classpath Scanner

I just wanted a simple classpath scanner in Groovy - no library, no extra jars, no callback interfaces. I couldn't find any, so I wrote one. I'm posting it here and hopefully it would be useful to somebody. It is licensed under the established and permissive MIT License (if it precludes you from using it, let me know).

 * <pre><code>
 * def cps = new GroovyClasspathScanner(packagePrefix: '')
 * cps.scanClasspathRoots(classLoader1) // optional
 * cps.scanClasspathRoots(classLoader2) // optional
 * ...
 * List<Class> classes = cps.scanClasses { Class it ->
 *    Event.isAssignableFrom(it)   ||
 *    Command.isAssignableFrom(it) ||
 *    it.isAnnotationPresent(MessageDescriptor)
 * }
 * </code></pre>
class GroovyClasspathScanner {
  String packagePrefix = ''
  List<File> classpathRoots
  List<File> scanClasspathRoots(ClassLoader classLoader) {
    if (!classLoader) classLoader = getClass().classLoader
    def prefixPath = packagePrefix.replace((char) '.', (char) '/') + '/'
    def List<URL> urls = []
    for (URLClassLoader cl = classLoader; cl; cl = cl.parent) {
      urls.addAll cl.URLs
    return urls
      .each { assert it.protocol == 'file' }
      .collect { new File(it.path) }
      .each { File it -> if (it.isFile()) assert =~ /.*\.(?:jar|zip)$/ }
      .findAll { File it ->
        (it.isDirectory() && new File(it, prefixPath).exists()) ||
        (it.isFile() && new ZipFile(it).entries().find { == prefixPath})
  List<String> scanClassNames() {
    if (!classpathRoots) classpathRoots = scanClasspathRoots()
    def classNames = []
    def collect = { it, String pathProp ->
      def normalizedPath = it[pathProp].replaceAll('[\\\\/]', '.')
      def packageRegex = packagePrefix.replace('.', '\\.')
      def classRegex = "\\.($packageRegex\\..+)\\.class\$"
      def match = normalizedPath =~ classRegex
      if (match) classNames << match[0][1]
    classpathRoots.each {
      if (it.isDirectory()) {
        it.eachFileRecurse             { collect it, 'canonicalPath' }
      } else {
        new ZipFile(it).entries().each { collect it, 'name' }
    return classNames
  List<Class> scanClasses(Closure predicate = { true } ) {
    return scanClassNames()
            .collect { try { Class.forName it } catch(Throwable e) { println "$it -> $e" } }
            .findAll { it }
            .findAll { predicate(it) }

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